Creating a Picture Book World
Hi! I'm a picture book creator chatting about creating a picture book world.
Hello! Don’t you want to live in a picture book world? If so, you’ll want to subscribe, so we can CHAT.
I’ve been doing something creative for my whole life –landing at long last, HERE, as a creator of picture books. It has been a curly-q path! I need to sit down a minute. What about you? How’s your path? Need to sit a minute? Take in a little inspiration, maybe?
I’ll be sharing something that inspired me or helped me, made me laugh, or set me right so I could get to my work which, as I’ve mentioned, is that picture book world. Sometimes, they are big picture ideas, sometimes the one-inch picture frame sized, tiny ones (thank you Anne Lamott).
Things you might want to know about me (fair warnings):
•I’m a head-in-the-clouds dreamer - it’s nice up there! Also, I work like a farmer –long and hard, often bent over with something I can’t fully control.
• I actually believe in creating a picture book world! But I’m often discouraged.
• I love my friends! I vant to be alone (swoon).
Sense a theme? Opposites? Full of contradictions? Yeah, that’s me. What about you? I hope so, because those overly sure, I-KNOW-ALL-THE-ANSWERS types (yes, they often shout in caps)…they might not want to join us. Actually, please don’t.
Okay, back to that Picture Book World! It calls. Does it call you too? What does that mean? THAT is what I’d like the theme of this newsletter to be.
Before I go, a little note about what a picture book world does NOT mean to me: perfection (eek!) but it DOES mean making imperfect progress. And lots of it! Let’s Go! I mean…it’s time. It really, really is. There’s way less “YOU SHOULD!s”, in my picture book world, and more “you’re okay, sit a minute, rest, keep going”. Less “NOT YOU!” and more “sure, you belong”. Less BE SERIOUS, and more silliness. And, I’m dead-serious about silliness ( my books have bears doing ballet! And rhinos that cook!). I have a serious post about silliness, coming soon.
It’s world where there’s no need to build yourself up or whittle yourself down. Repeat: It’s world where there’s no need to build yourself up or whittle yourself down.
MORE making, creating, sharing. Are you in?? I really hope so.
I’m IN!! I love the contradictions (same goes for me). I can’t wait! And I can wait all day long. Yay Kimberly!
I’m all about silliness over perfection!